Friday, March 27, 2009

Sword Lands Rumours & Lore

Stories are important in the Sword Lands, and a favourite one is of Amra, the nation that once existed there. Amra had a human King who successfully stood up to the Empress Dragon, winning a promise from her that no dragon would ever attack Amra. That promise remain kept to this day. Hundreds of years has passed since the fall of Amra, by human hands. To this day, the Ruins of Amra is still visible litter the countryside, and the Dragon Empress has kept her word. Myth & Legends

Today, the valley of the Sword Lands is filled by a string of small, warring lands each ruled by a lord from his castle. The Lords feud constantly, but lack coin enough to raise army to unify the region. Scheming and spying are ever-present, Assassination of wizards, Lords' retainers, and lordly heirs and spouses goes on energetically. The feuds are so tangled that it can only end when whole lines are extinguished. Word on the Streets

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