Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Returned Abeir

Of old, the Dawn Titans fought the Estelar and were humbled. Great was the slaughter among the Dawn Titans, but they retained Abeir for their own. Seared and ravaged by the divine fires of their foes, the few who survived were tired from strife. Sensing this, their steeds the dragons turned on and rose against the Dawn titans, slaying more, until nearly all who yet endured retreated into the very stones of the mountain and fell silent.

The triumphant dragons then made war on each other and on dragons who retained loyal to the Dawn Titans. This event was called the War of Fang and Talon, in which dragons recklessly unleashed the abandoned magic of the primordials. Much of Abeir was laid to waste, and the dragons were in turn left scarred, few in number, and at long last weary of war.

Then the legendary Gorloun, founded the first dragon empire. Rival draconic realms sprang up thereafter, and the long Rule of Dragons began. All were slaves and servants to the mighty dragons and other spawns of Tiamat. Dragons quarrelled, empires rose and decayed, or were wrested from the talons of their dying emperors, but dragonic rule survived nearly unchallenged until the Blue Breath of Change where Abeir merged with Toril and part again. Dragonbane amber was unearthed, enough to shatter the Rule of Dragon. Now, much of the Returned Abeir govern themselves, free of draconic rule surrounded by foreign seas.

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