Friday, March 27, 2009

Campaign Timeline for Part 1, Swordriver Valley

1479 DR The Year of the Ageless One

  • Alturiak 12: Dragonborn left their home Rokthorl behind and arrived in the Swordriver valley.

  • Elisias 24: Arrived at the human city of Rorst. [day 1 of actual game campaign]

  • Eleint 3:

    • Orcs attempt a raid of Rorst, was repelled, objective- kidnapping seemingly random people for reasons unknown.
    • Dragonborn met 2 Eladrin who joined the party.

  • Eleint 7: Eladrin Paladin dies while rescuing villager for Rorst.

  • Eleint 10: Returned to Rorst, semi heroes' welcome as all villagers minus 1 is still alive and all are accounted for.

  • Eleint 13: Arrived at Belprin's Gate, warnings of attack.

  • Eleint 14:

    • Party met half-elf paladin in the dwarven temple
    • Rescued the high priest and dwarf miners, high priest called lava in desperation.
    • Arrival of a lich under the dwarven temple.

  • Eleint 15:

    • Destruction of Belprin's Gate, dwarves from Belprin's gate march toward Rorst.
    • Met with a Dragonborn Barbarian on the way down the mountain who joined the party.

  • Eleint 17: Arrived back at Belprin's Gate. Joined refugee line towards Rorst.
  • Eleint 19: Return to Rorst, dwarves settling in about 1 mile east of Rorst in a vast refugee camp of 1200. Rorst extend hands of friendship with expectation that they find their way home once the lavaflow cools. Dwarves estimate 2-3 tendays from now depending on rainfall.

  • Elient 21: Highharvestide Holyday and Autumn Equinox, everyone partied hard, including the dwarven refugees.

  • Eleint 23: Recovered fully from hangovers, begins part 2...

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