Friday, March 27, 2009

Prologue to Part II, The Secrets of Amra

"How much for the suit of layered plate?! That's outrageous!", goggled Malgrim as he considered the smith's quote of 800 gold crowns.

"You look here, elf - You see them thousand or so dwarves out there milling about? The price of metal is going through the roof! I've got teams of cryers in the countryside buying ploughshares and scrap metal because price of iron ore has increased 10 fold overnight! Until a new supply of metal shows itself this be my price for the armour. You won't find cheaper around town!", said Bjarngerður Alfgrun.

"But I'll tell you what, since you're with them dragonborn heroes, - I have a job for you. If you can get it done, I'll get you the suit for free. How's that for a deal?

About a month ago...."

Master Alfgrun is the most well known Armoursmith/merchant south of Belprin's Hold. He's from a long line of smiths dates back to the founding of Rorst 250 years ago. Malgrim was trying to negotiate for the price of a set of masterwork platemail so he can transfer the enchantment of the +2 chain to the plate when this adventure lead was discovered.

Around a month ago, he had an overland shipment robbed on route to him. In this shipment was 2 sets of magical leather armour, 1 set of magical hide, and weapon grade ore and armor grade bars. He had set a reward for the return of the magic armors, but while he has discovered their location, the bounty hunters had been unsuccessful in retrieving the items. Since 2 groups of bounty hunters died, no one tried unless the reward was going to go up substantially. Unwilling to to up the reward, he had since retracted the bounty and counted the shipment lost.

Since the destruction the Belprin Gate mines and most importantly the complete disruption of trade route to the dwarven nation of Belprin's Hold, price of those ore is worth much more than the 3 sets of magical armor. If Alfgrun can get those ore within days, he'll be the only smith in town that can fill some very specialized orders. (ores for weapon and ores for armour has drastically different characteristic requirements. One is hard and strong but can keep an edge, other is more mailable but less brittle. Weapon Grade metal is much harder to come by and more expensive.)

The Deal:

Find the rogues hiding in a abandoned ruin of House Malserpent-, get his stolen ores back to him within 10 days. In return, the party will get the following:

-good will of one of the best smiths in this region, he trust the dragonborn won't cheat him.
-get to keep the 3 suits of magic leather/hide armor.
-anything they find in the ruins
-a suit of layered plate, custom made to Malgrim specs.
-500 gp
Bonus - get back by evening of 28th of Eleint (5 days)
additional 500gp.

If all goes well, the party should be able to get there in 2 days, and back in 3 days travelling with with ore. You'll be needing a cart. Lots of carts for sale from the dwarves. Horses are a different story.

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