Sunday, March 29, 2009

Chaoleign On the Warpath

So the life I led was boring the shit out of me, all these would be suitors fawning over me and my parents constantly nagging me to choose a husband. High born of the Eladrin is a pain in the ass.

I got more and more pissed off, and took up magic as a way to show them all what I really think. In the meantime, took to brawling in the streets, skulking around in the dark and spying on the weak minded, occasionally swordfighting as dishonourably as possible. Then when the magic began to work, I could fire off a Thunderwave or two to shove the assholes back where they belonged. My parents disowned me, so I left with little or nothing. Thought I'd take a look at what happens outside the Fey world, and ended up with a bunch of unruly Dragonborn who were at least not such totally useless sucks that they didn't get angry when I used my spells on them. OK, I can live with that, at least for a while.

Still, watch yourselves guys. I piss of easily, and really, don't fear very much.

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