Monday, March 23, 2009

Catch up

Malgrim here.

I joined the party by accident. As in I met with an accident and there I was, in the party.

Let me step back a bit. I was given the job of Emissary to the Dwarves by my Elf-clan. This had something to do with the fact that I was the only member to speak dwarven, which in turn had something to do with the fact that I am a Half-Elf. Not to mention contrary by nature - which also may be the reason I worship a non-elven deity - the Raven Queen.

Anyhow, I was on my mission, stopping over at the dwarven stronghold - actually sleeping off a couple of pints of dwarven ale (diplomatically necessary), when they were attacked by hordes of Orcs. I was awoken by a vicious blow to the head, and barely got off a couple of jabs before I was bludgeoned back into oblivion. I awoke much later to find a band of dragonborn debating what to do with my gear. With my dwarven friends dead or missing, I was therefore, a de-facto adventurer. Oh, and by the way, the accident - that was the Orcs not killing me.


  1. Falcor Journal/Log Entry #6078265

    A question of honour.

    my whole life has been a struggle to survive, to life with the 2 sides of myself. a weak dragonborn physically VS hidden power within. A Honorbound dragonborn VS The Infernal Pact I have made.

    it is the latter struggle I will address here now.

    My Pact decrees I send the souls of those I curse and slay to the underworld in exchange for my powers, gifts and boons. which I have honored my side of this by sending those I believe are headed there anyways just earlier than they expected.

    on this journey I've had a few challenges.
    #1 Mathus. I'm not sure whats got into him, he seems to be shedding his scales and turning into something different which I dont understand. is he Evil? Of course, but thats not what disturbs me. It's the lack of honour on which he acts and disrespects himself, his family, and also his clan, which bothers me. I always knew I would be the one to kill him someday due to his evilness and send him to the underworld, but killing him before his actions dishonour our clan further might be a new choice I must make. I suspect and hope his continued recklessness will solve that problem for me.

    #2. We left a man behind. Our paladin, Our leader, we left him. We did hole up for a day in a dangerous cave in hopes he would arrive, with no luck. we did find some chalk that hopefully we can create a trail for him to follow. When this drawf resuce is over, I will return to recover his body.

    #3 grave robbing. disturbing the burial rituals of others doesn't sit well with me, but from what I understand, we only removed some discarded equipment from the grave. I have decided this is fine with me for 3 reasons.
    a) why would the dwarfs leave valuable equipment in a grave?
    b) why would the dwarfs abandon a site that it seemed they honoured?
    c) if the black dragon had discovered it before we did (odd that it did not) and stole it, then we stole it from the dragon it would clearly be ours without question, why the difference in the chain of custody?

    Thats about it. I'm still being plane shifted to the underworld without any time lapse so the others are unaware, but I'll futher that discussion at another time
